We hope you enjoyed your Quantum experience and we’d love to hear your thoughts on Looking for Violeta. Leave a comment below and tell us what you liked, disliked, or anything in particular that may have resonated with you. Thank you for your feedback.
I loved it! I was crying from the first scene (whoever heard of that) and again at the end in respect, sorrow, and appreciation. The casting, choreography, performances, and music were all beautiful and precise – just right. Thank you all!
Loved it!! Music, dialogue, setting, performers, all wonderful. This show is good enough to take to other theaters!
I was wondering (with some trepidation) as to how you were going to tell a story about her that was personal and dramatic as well. What I experienced was a magical folklore event. It was not always clear as to what was being told, but there was a palpable feeling of love for this remarkable person and for telling us something about her. The person who portrayed her was herself remarkable. She was simply there with a simple presence that was surprising and continually enlarging. The death of her daughter transformed her and our experience of her. Her simplicity deepened and made possible the impossibly long embrace with her brother that was presage for her death. Although I was entranced by the performance the ensemble was also compelling. I especially was taken with the tall African American woman who gave a gravitas within the celebrations that also deepened a feeling for the “folk ” that was important for the context of this life. Brava.
Outstanding production. The ensemble and the band were terrific. Pieces fit together beautifully. The format reminded me a bit of Spike Lee’s Passing Strange play/movie. The Frick Park venue was rather less like camping out than previous Q productions in parks in August.
The entire production was spectacular! I loved every minute. The actors, the musicians, the setting — all wonderful. I have grown quite fond of the Quantum Theater productions and you always seem to outdo yourselves. A perfect evening – thank you.