Story 9
Read by Matt Henderson
Find a seat in Mellon Square park to listen to Story 9. Exit the park on the Sixth Avenue side, down the stairs, turn Left and continue until you see Trinity Cathedral on your Left.
Full Directions
Begin by the fountain at Point State Park, where many walls and benches provide seating. After listening to Story 6, continue along the Allegheny River on the Three Rivers Heritage Trail. Take the stairs up to 7th Street, walk straight to Katz Plaza and sit on one of the Louise Bourgeois benches to listen to Story 7. Then continue along Penn Avenue, turn Left onto Sixth Street, and continue onto Market St. past the Fairmont and into Market Square. Find a seat and listen to Story 8. Exit Market Square the way you entered and turn Right onto Fifth Avenue, Left onto Smithfield, and ascend the steps to find a seat in Mellon Square park to listen to Story 9. Exit the park on the Sixth Avenue side, down the stairs, and continue until you see Trinity Cathedral on your left. If walking between the hours of 8AM and 5PM Monday – Saturday, or 7AM – 1PM Sunday, enter the open gates and take a seat in Pittsburgh’s oldest churchyard to enjoy final tale in the journey, Story 10.