This audio journey is intended to be experienced while walking in Frick Park. Search “Frick Park Parking Lot” or click this link for directions to the starting point in Regent Square near the lower soccer fields.
To help you along your way, on each page you will find an audio player, map, and text describing the path to the next landmark. After you finish listening to each part, click the large “Next Story” button to continue on.
We hope you enjoy our audio experience. Feel free to enjoy the experience at your own pace and to sit in any of the many places along the route.
Story 1
Read by Saige Smith
Begin at the blue gate near the lower Frick parking lot and press play as you walk north on the Tranquil Trail away from the lot. Continue past the intersection with the Falls Ravine Trail and end this section next to Hot Dog Dam Dog Park underneath the Forbes Avenue Underpass.
Full Directions
Begin at the blue gate near the lower Frick parking lot and start Story 1 as you walk north on the Tranquil Trail. Continue past the intersection with the Falls Ravine Trail and begin Story 2 as you see Hot Dog Dam Dog Park and pass underneath Forbes Avenue. At the fork in the path, bear Left to continue along the Tranquil Trail, and continue until you emerge from the woods near Homewood Cemetery. Pause by one of the large trees as you begin Story 3, and then continue to your Right on the Tranquil Trail as it becomes the Homewood Trail and passes the Frick Park Lawn Bowling Greens. As you approach Ben Hur and S. Dunfermiline Streets, turn Right onto the Hawthorn Trail and back into the forest. You’ll come to a large athletic field to your right with benches at either end. Begin Story 4 at the end as you turn Right onto the Kensington Trail, marked by a large wooden sign. Stay on the Kensington trail, pass a sign for the Rosemary trail, and eventually bear Left down the hill onto the Homewood Trail, marked by a sign. Follow the Homewood Trail as it runs into Tranquil Trail and see a small reflecting pool with a bench. Take a seat and begin Story 5. Then continue along the Tranquil trail to where you began your journey.